Go Ahead Caller

Talk radio's Ken Oath, his callers and a cast of well-known Kiwi characters will have you rolling in the aisles.

Produced by Paul Casserly and Jodie Molloy

A close-up of a man's surprised face against a blue background, with the title "Go Ahead Caller" in bold yellow letters across the top.

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All episodes:

Ken Turns Over a New Leaf

Season 9 / Episode 1
Ken's change of diet over the summer holiday seems to have made him a little more moderate and accepting. Or has it?
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Bob Jones Apologises

Season 9 / Episode 2
Bob follows Ken's example in apologising and Steve Hanson is unapologetic about a possible career change.
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Season 9 / Episode 3
Helen leaves a supportive message for Jacinda and caller, Annabelle, eventually expresses her concern about the suitability of Ken's talkback topic for the day.
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Winston's Tan

Season 9 / Episode 4
Ken is off his diet and worried about change. Winston is worried about the real source of some important products.
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Corporate Taniwha

Season 9 / Episode 5
Bumper 50th episode! John makes good use of the RNZ workplace-bullying hotline, Annabelle calls in with her take on older white men and Shane Jones is to release a series of audio books for kids.
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