Go Ahead Caller

Talk radio's Ken Oath, his callers and a cast of well-known Kiwi characters will have you rolling in the aisles.

Produced by Paul Casserly and Jodie Molloy

A close-up of a man's surprised face against a blue background, with the title "Go Ahead Caller" in bold yellow letters across the top.

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All episodes:

Go Ahead Caller S2 E1

Season 2 / Episode 1
Ken talks about bees, Alistaire calls in, and there are challenges in the studio recording a commercial starring the client.

Go Ahead Caller S2 E2

Season 2 / Episode 2
John Campbell takes a call at home from a man in Nigeria acting on behalf of the estate of John's long lost uncle.

Go Ahead Caller S2 E3

Season 2 / Episode 3
Helen, our own highly ranked powerful woman changes the message on her answer machine. Steve leaves Helen a message. Gareth meets the cats head-on.

Go Ahead Caller S2 E4

Season 2 / Episode 4
A very high-profile world leader calls in to try to retrieve some money from his NZ-based account. The Psychic Tui provides some much needed advice to a caller.

Go Ahead Caller S2 E5

Season 2 / Episode 5
We visit the office of the Race Relations Commission and Ken fields a call about the problems brought by the original 'boat people'.

Go Ahead Caller S2 E6

Season 2 / Episode 6
A hack of Helen's answerphone reveals a surprising ally in her quest for the top job at the United Nations and Gareth Morgan tangles with the cats.

Go Ahead Caller S2 E7

Season 2 / Episode 7
John Key answers a 'phone survey about the state of the nation and Kevin Rudd, former Australian PM, tries to spoil Helen's UN party.

Go Ahead Caller S2 E8

Season 2 / Episode 8
Ken Oath rails at political correctness and Ringo Starr calls the Psychic Tui for reassurance.