The House

Legislation, issues and insights from Parliament.

Hosted by Phil Smith & Louis Collins

Podcast Title 'The House' set in a bold font on an outside wall, with a image of the parliament house seen through a window

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Housing, firearms law, and poverty key focus for new MPs

New MPs are declaring what they'll focus on during their time at Parliament including housing, living wages, firearms law, and poverty.
Te Paati Māori MP Debbie Ngarewa-Packer gives her maiden speech at Parliament

Parliament goes out in a flurry of firsts

Parliament is over for the year. But helpfully, MPs have left you with multiple summer projects to work on.
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Parliament's 2020 finale

It's the final week of Parliament, and MPs are stuffing their stockings with every kind of debate possible. Well almost.
The Hansard team show off their festive decorating skills.

Drug testing, income tax and Covid-19 bills passed at speed

MPs have raced through four bills in their first proper week of Parliament passing new laws on festival drug testing, Covid-19, and income tax.
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The new maths of Question Time

The new parliament has a different shape, and very different maths. As a result Question Time will also be quite a different beast.
Leader of the Opposition Judith Collins considers her options for follow-up questions during the first Question Time of the 53rd Parliament

Climate specifics in a general motion

Parliament agreed a motion to declare a climate emergency that had something unusual - specifics.
The Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern moves a motion declaring a climate emergency

Parliament works on festival drug testing, more sick leave and a new tax bracket

Drug testing at festivals, a new tax bracket, more sick leave, and a quicker change in Covid-19 alert levels will be worked on at Parliament under urgency this week.
Debating Chamber from Commission Opening

How the 53rd Parliament was opened

The latest from the HouseThe 53rd Parliament of New Zealand has been officially opened over two days of ceremonies in Wellington. Here's how it happened.
Acting Black Rod Sandra McKie leads the three Commissioners, Chief Justice Dame Helen Winkelmann, Sir William Young, and  Dame Susan Glazebrook

Claiming rights and privileges

Parliament's Speaker has claimed the House's 'rights and privileges' and been promised a favourable construction. What does any of that really mean?
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Swearing on children’s Māori proverbs and the Koran at Parliament

A variety of texts including a book of children's Māori proverbs, the Koran, and the Bill of Rights Act are being used by MPs swearing-in on day one of the 53rd Parliament.
Maori Party MP Rawiri Waititi is sworn in at Parliament

A run-up on Parliament’s kick-off

We've had an election, we have a government and on Wednesday we complete the set with a Parliament. Here's what happens this week.
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The Ultimate General: Parliament’s last debate

On their way out the door MPs took a last swing at representation, policy ideas and general fisticuffs.
National MP Paul Goldsmith speaks during the final general debate for the 52nd Parliament

Last day rules at Parliament

Parliament had finally ended, but even on the way out the door there are still rules. Judith Collins faulted at least a trinity of them in one question.
The Leader of the Opposition Judith Collins in the House

Covid-19 messaging questioned at Parliament

One of the final question times for the 52nd Parliament has been used to question the Government's Covid-19 messaging
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Shaking up the House: New rules for Parliament 

Parliament has agreed to the biggest shake-up of its rules since MMP, including changes to how it works, where and when it meets; even how it looks on TV.
The current editions of Parliament's Standing Orders and Speakers' Rulings sit atop the report recommending changes to the rules.

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